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410 Folts Street Herkimer, NY 13350 PH: (315) 866-3140
TF: (800) 267-7099
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6 Slawson Street Dolgeville, NY 13329 PH: (315) 429-3181
TF: (800) 267-7099
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Fun picture of a sick dogMany of us can't imagine life without our pets. According to the American Pet Products Association, nearly 70 million U.S. households include at least one dog and 45 million households include cats. And it's no surprise: their wagging tails upon our arrival home and purring snuggles after a long day at the office are the best kinds of welcomes. The relationships we forge with our furry friends can be some of the most supportive.
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contractor inpecting constructionMost people assume that having replacement value property insurance means that even if something happens, they're in good shape. After all, replacement value should pay for a brand new version of whatever you lost, right? But when it comes to buildings, including homes, both new and old, this isn't always the case. If you're a property owner, it's important to know about ordinance or law coverage and how it applies to you. Failure to understand when and where ordinance and law coverage is necessary may mean that if your home or commercial building is damaged, you don't have the coverage you need.
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